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Things Worth Looking At!

you will see and agree!

dear Sirs, (or rather, Brothers in Christ!)

(Sunday 7th – Tuesday 9th, July, 2019 A.D.)


            I will not take up too much of your valuable time. Long ago I was watching a movie starring Arnold Schwarzenegger, and I will never forget when he declared ‘’the judgment day cannot be cancelled – it can only be postponed!’’ !  -  What remarkable insight was he showing at that point? And who wrote the script, I wondered! ... .. . Regardless of all that, I wish to just make a few hopefully simple points here, to share with you: -

We have seen some remarkable but positive twists and turns of events taking place across the world in recent years – and I don’t just mean the fall of communism decades ago, but noteably the election victory of Donald Trump who despite his faults is a leader who actually loves his country and wants to make it strong again, (whilst also juggling with Russia which is also now becoming an outstanding Christian country (again), while here in our country, we have seen the surprise ‘miracle’ election of the conservative side of politics again , with a confessing Christian PM declaring it was a miracle, and it well could have been. No – don’t get me wrong – this will NOT be a political commentary, rest assured!

So, what is this letter about then? – Quite simply, it is about the Kingdom of GOD, that has not only coming, but has come, and is here! (unless I mistake the words of our Lord Jesus Christ Himself, who declared ‘the kingdom of heaven is at hand’ – and what could get closer than our hand? -  Possibly our mouth, by which we can declare that ‘with GOD shall NOTHING be Impossible’ and many such similar statements. No doubt we have all heard these phrases countless times before, so now let me APPLY what I believe should be Done about it (that is – the Kingdom of heaven being at hand = Here)! – Are you sitting down?  - you may Need to be, but don’t worry… .. .

When you read my older emailed letters below, you will soon see that I have a burden for righteousness to abound again for our poor old battered country – poor as in financially-burdening and cost-oppressive for many of our countrymen, and old as in geographically, and battered as in having been a repeated victim of cyclones and floods, droughts and bushfires etc. But there is MUCH more than these things oppressing this nation of ours! – not far under the surface lurk many an evil thing, not just the corruption common to many countries, but multiple levels of obfuscation and masking of deeply evil and horrible practices, including but NOT limited to child abuse, domestic violence committed by Both genders, trafficking of various kinds of substances And of PEOPLE etc etc, and this is where it gets ‘interesting’ – as intriguing is no longer a suitable term here! - to mention prostitution would hardly even be scratching the surface!~ it extends up/down/sideways into almost Every corner and area of our national life, and lurks comfortably around due to the continues sleepy daydreaming of the majority of citizens of our once-great nation. While the silent majority keep doing what they usually do best (NOTHING) and/or continue to keep as quiet as possible about any such wrong-doing or even any ‘conspiracy’ of such, (as after all, we have been subtly taught by Hollywood and other mass media indoctrination that conspiracies are a ‘theory’ even though the legal system in our own courts of law both acknowledge conspiracy as a reality and deal with cases of it regularly!)      - I mean ‘go figure that one out’ !! ..

So where is the logic here? – and what’s more, how are we to DO something about what we perceive and know to be wrong (assuming that we are looking at the same things with the same kind of perception and/or wisdom – hopefully that which God Himself can and will give to us on request) btw, I was raised in a conservatively fundamentalist home, and grew up reading the Bible and hearing it preached, especially as my own father was a preacher/pastor, but I myself chose not to quote the Bible unless I find it necessary, for various reasons which I have suffered in the past – including mainly the abuse of it via ‘Bible Bashing’ etc  (that aside) ..

Thus, getting back to what we need to be (starting to) DO about it, I strongly suggest that we need at the very least to engage in aggressive prayer against those strongholds and their gate-keeping ‘vain imaginations’ that firstly keep the insight from most believers’ eyes, and thus secondly prevent them from wanting to take any action against them. “all that is needed for the triumph of evil…’’  you fill in the blanks! To suppose, say or state that we cannot do anything about it is a total fallacy, as after all, ‘’Greater things shall ye do’’ according to our Lord and Saviour while he walked this earth, and indeed did many a miraculous thing for the oppressed who surrounded Him.

‘’Non-violent protest’’ perhaps? Or the proclamation of a social-type gospel? – these things may in themselves be semi-harmless (unless of course it is another gospel) .. but whatever the actual style of method of attack, I will now specify what Needs to happen, by whatever means and methods/measures or whatever:-


Child-trafficking and its accompanying forced child prostitution/torture/(ritual or otherwise) murder needs to STOP and/or BE STOPPED !! – Number ONE.

All those who either aid or abet such practices needs to be put identified and brought down, or at Least put away for Good (Literally!) !

 – and if anyone needs any proof or backup for what I am stating, they need look no further than here: GOD knows that some of the same vile, revolting and satanic practices Also go on in our once-innocent Australia !!  -

Forced modern slavery in the form of under-cover human trafficking of children, women and sometimes even men, needs to come to an abrupt HALT - their Business as Usual cannot be allowed to go on any more, regardless of how ‘high-up’ it goes, even to government departments which shall remain un-named here FOR NOW (and believe me it DOES happen within those departments, I kid you Not) of course with the exception of many a good employee in those same departments that seek to prevent it from happening!

Whilst such practices continue to be allowed to go on in a supposedly advanced and civilized country, it is of course no wonder at all that GOD’s blessings cannot fall on our nation and its various dimensions of existence in today’s world.

And HOW, you may ask, will all this actually take place? – Quite simply, a new Elijah must be raised up by the Hand of GOD Almighty = Jehovah Shaddai, who will stride in fearlessly to confront and deal with the many and various prophets of Baal – so that ‘as in the days of Elijah’ – full of righteous rage and indignation, and expedited by the hidden strong wings and arms of the mighty angels of GOD – Michael, Gabriel, Ariel and their cohorts. Then a mighty wind of God’s Spirit will again blow across the face of the nation, bringing both the fear of GOD and the fresh anointing of fearlessness against all forms of  evil! Only then can our dear old land and its soil be blessed once again! So BE it - AMEN.


There is More to Come –  Let’s Stand Firm in the Faith, and Let’s Not Waver.  

I am (yours sincerely)

Glenn Michael Roberts.


(copies of this letter are also going out to 4 other ‘leaders among men’ and with whom this writer has been or still is in contact with) 


Greetings. I have returned to Australia some months ago after living in China for many years. Some months or even years ago, while reading on the internet, I was rather appalled to read of some abuses which had taken place regarding child-trafficking victims in our country and their horrific stories which proved that overall, justice still hasn’t been done on their behalf! – I guess this is not the standard type of topic that you people usually deal with, but I am suggesting that you take a good hard look at this website quoted below and you will soon find that even several ex-PMs have been involved with this sort of sordid business! What is more relevant though, is what(ever) can be Done about it, and I believe it should be not Nothing – so that is why I am writing to you people to obtain your opinion on this one – after all, whom else can we turn to (besides God in prayer of course) but I mean what better organization than your own would be the right one to take up this issue? – Please see the letter I wrote below several months ago to several friends or contacts on this topic, and then please tell me your opinion on this whole area, if you will, especially on what can and should be done!

I am (yours Sincerely)



I realize this is a rough subject .. but then no worse than your average horror movie which, most people seem to be able to cope with!

Following on from last night's theme.. i now realize that it's horrible facts like this about our own country that naturally prevent it from being the blessed country it once was.

i mean with child murdering satanists like the ex nsw police commissioner as shown on Fiona Barnet's site. (or even the current commissioner for human rights herself being an ex perpetrator in satanic murder rituals in Bathurst – and there is no reason I can see for not believing F. Barnet’s testimony on this and many others she has pointed out by name!)


We need look no further to find reasons why Australia must now be under God's curse until it repents and brings such scum to justice! i mean Christians or even just decent citizens need to do at least 2 things~ inform themselves about these monsters among us.. band together and vow to not rest until such evil monsters are brought to final justice.!

Surely this must have repercussions on the economy and everything else.... perhaps even the land itself is now cursed more than before.. even tho’ we've always had droughts..floods etc

Just a few nights ago i was listening in to 4BC on the net and a woman from western Sydney was almost crying as she described how she could not even afford the petrol to drive to her part-time job.. and all she could do was pray!..yes a sister! Another woman was a farmer's wife who was pleading with the public to help them so that they’d not need to shoot all their dying stock soon due to water shortages.

We need to realize these examples represent many 100s of 1000s across our oppressed country! .. i consider it absolute insanity that in 150 years or more of government.. not one has ever had the guts to follow thru with a practical scheme to provide adequate water supplies to our inland areas which could be simply done by piping and pumping it from other coastal or northern areas! i mean even Anwar Ghadaffi managed as a so-called dictator to provide abundant fresh water across all of his now destroyed country! by that token alone.. our Australian so-called leaders are more criminal than Ghadaffi was! merely by their intentional neglect of our rural population alone!

Just 50 or so years ago.. our country was a self-supporting and prosperous one.. now it's the opposite. i just heard that by 1990 it saw the lowest electric power the electricity bills are so high that many old pensioners have to degrade themselves to switch off their heaters in winter! God Almighty! ~ what is going on to bring this about when the country still has the most abundant natural resources!? When will Aussies rise up to overthrow this most horrible predicament they've been put under by stealth or otherwise?

Why is it that 1000s of people of my/our age group feel they can't even afford to either live in or return to their own country due to such heavy and excessive costs down under? Why..why..why?! How exactly has it come to this? we need to find out.. and Then Do something about it..for God's sake!